“Jennifer Brawn Gittings’ costumes are precisely as Ives would have them, both the contemporary characters’ street wear and the outfits Vanda has brought along with her in her voluminous bag of tricks.” – Steven Stanley, StageSceneLA.com
“Costume designer Jennifer Brawn Gittings’ attention to detail…tells us volumes about Vanda even before she utters her first word.” – Lynne Friedmann, culturevulture.net
“Kudos also to…Jennifer Brawn Gittings’ true-to-vogue costumes that facilitate, even bolster, the characters’ power transitions.” – ShowMag.com
Caroline Kinsolving as Vanda - photo by Daren Scott
“Kudos to Jennifer Brawn Gittings for Vanda’s just-right costumes” – Jean Lowerison, SDGLN
“Jennifer Brawn Gittings is to be complimented on her choice of clothes that range from kinky modern to traditional 19th century.” – Carol Davis, San Diego Theatre Examimer
“They don Jennifer Brawn Gittings’ splendid costumes, which range from a dog collar and black lingerie to a crochet-like, 19th century gown from world’s beyond.” – Jeff Smith, San Diego Reader